Finding the right babysitter for you and your family


Finding the right babysitter for you and your family

Posting a Job

After registering for CareFinder, please post a babysitting job on CareFinder. Jobs posted through CareFinder can be seen by all sitters registered on Carefinder. Also, you can receive applications from babysitters you are interested in. Please be specific with the job details in the post so it is effective in giving the sitter an idea of the job and helps you find the right sitter.

Effective Use of CareFinder Message System

CareFinder’s message system allows the user to communicate with the babysitter without sharing any personal contact information. You can inform the contents of your work through the job post or through the message directly to the sitter. Please use the message system to communicate to the sitter from posting a job, up the initial face-to-face interview.

Please promptly reply to the babysitter

When receiving a message or a job application from a sitter, please try to promptly reply. If there isn’t a quick reply to a sitter, the schedule of the sitter may change and they won’t be able to accept your job.

If you cannot answer right away, it is polite to let the sitter know that you received the mail and that you will reply to them.

Also, if you do not accept a specific application from a sitter, please be sure to inform the sitter that you are not accepting the application for.

To ensure that you don’t miss new messages, you can check the “Private Messages” in the profile edit page. This will make sure that messages within CareFinder will get forwarded to your private mail. This way you can check for messages from other users from CareFinder right away. By default, this setting is turned on for all CareFinder users.

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