About Review System


About Review System

We ask every employer to provide reviews of their babysitters. For a one-time (one-day) job, employers will receive a review request two days after the date of the job. For long-term jobs, employers will receive review requests two days after the starting day of the job. Employers rate their babysitters on a scale from one to five (five being the best) and submit any pertinent comments about their experience with the babysitter. An employer may review any particular babysitter one time only.

Reviews are visible to all users of CareFinder. These reviews are a critical component for ensuring the quality of our service. The more detailed and thoughtful the reviews, the better the service becomes for both parents and babysitters.

Once submitted, a review may be appended or deleted, but original comments, etc. cannot be changed. Please take your time and be as careful in your review as possible. If you plan on providing a lower rating (one to three), we encourage you to talk to the babysitter first and explain your reasoning and resolve any potential misunderstandings.

Any of the following information included in a review can be deleted:

  • Name, address, telephone number, email address, and other personal information
  • Reviews that include unsupported facts/non-factual information
  • Indecent/obscene words, abusive comments

We encourage you to write reviews that are useful for other parents, as well as for the babysitters:

  • Be as objective as possible.
  • Provide specifics that support your review.
  • Be concise. Long reviews can be difficult to read and understand.
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