Terms of Use

Article 1 (Definitions)

As used in these Terms of Use, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

a) “Company” means CareFinder Kabushiki Kaisha.

b) “Site” means the website with the domain name https://www.carefinder.jp, which is operated by the Company as a “venue” for connecting Child Care Services Receivers and Child Care Services Providers. If for any reasons there is a change to the domain and/or contents, the Site shall be the subsequent website after any such change.

c) “Child Care Services Receiver” means a user of the Site who is searching for child care services providers and has completed registration procedures pursuant to Article 5 hereof.

d) “Child Care Services Provider” means a user of the Site who is searching for child care services receivers and has completed registration procedures pursuant to Article 5 hereof.

e) “Site Users” means Child Care Services Receivers, Child Care Services Providers and any other users of the Site.

f) “Service” means the service titled CareFinder provided by the Company to Child Care Services Receivers and Child Care Services Providers through the Site.

g) “Paid Members” means Child Care Services Receivers or Child Care Services Providers who have completed paid members registration procedures with a manner specified in the Site.

h) “Paid Services” means certain services and features provided by the Company to Paid Members. The details shall be prescribed separately by the Company.

i) “Terms of Use” means these Terms of Use and all other agreements reached between the Company and the Site Users through the Site.

j) “Content(s)” means any information that is available to Users through the Site, including but not limited to, texts, images, video and other types of data.

k) “User Content(s)” means any Contents posted or otherwise transmitted by Child Care Services Receivers or Child Care Services Providers to the Site or the Application.

l) “Application” means an application for using the Service on mobile device, which is provided by the Company to Child Care Services Receivers (limited to Paid Members) or Child Care Services Providers.

m) “Intellectual Property Right” means patent right, utility model right, trademark right, design right and any other intellectual property right as may now exist or hereafter come into existence, and all applications therefor and registrations, renewals and extensions thereof, under the laws of any state, country, territory or other jurisdiction throughout the world.


Article 2 (Scope of Application)

1.  Site Users acknowledge and agree that these Terms of Use apply to all services (whether for PC or mobile use, whether provided through website or smart phone application, and regardless of platform or operating system) that the Company currently provides or may provide in the future.

2.  Site Users acknowledge and agree that if the contents of the Terms of Use differ from explanations on the Site other than these Terms of Use, these Terms of Use shall prevail in application.


Article 3 (Agreement to Terms of Use)

1.  The Site Users acknowledge and agree that they shall be deemed to have agreed to the contents of these Terms of Use at the point in time they commence use of the Site.

2.  If the Company deems necessary to do so, the Company may amend these Terms of Use provided that:

a) the amendment conforms to the general interest of the Site Users, and

b) the amendment does not run afoul of the purpose of these Terms of Use and is reasonable in the light of the circumstances of such amendment, including but not limited to, the necessity of the amendment or the appropriateness of the details of the amendment.

3.  In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Company will post the fact that the Company will amend these Terms of Use, the amended content, and the effective date of the amendment on the Site or in the Service or will notify thereof in a manner which the Company deems it appropriate, no later than a week prior to the date when such amendment becomes effective.

4.  In addition to the two (2) preceding paragraphs, the Company may amend these Terms of Use with the consent of the Site Users in a manner specified by the Company.


Article 4 (The Site)

1.  The Site provides a “venue” for connecting Child Care Services Receivers and Child Care Services Providers.

2.  Site Users acknowledge and agree that the purpose of the Site is for Child Care Services Receivers and Child Care Services Providers to directly execute between themselves child care services agreements, and that the Company will not be a party to such child care services agreements. However, in the event of any disputes between the Child Care Services Receiver and the Child Care Services Provider, both parties may consult the contact point listed in Article 23 as needed, and our Company will take appropriate measures to resolve the issue if necessary.

3.  Child Care Services Receivers (limited to Paid Members) and Child Care Services Providers may exchange messages or other information through the Site or the Application among the Company, Child Care Services Receivers and Child Care Services Providers. Child Care Services Receivers and Child Care Services Providers acknowledge and agree that communications through the site may be monitored by the Company.

4.  Site Users acknowledge and agree that between the Company and a Site User, no partnership, joint venture, employer/employee relationship, franchiser/franchisee relationship, or other relationship is intended or will be formed under any circumstances.


Article 5 (Registration Procedures etc.)

1.  A person who wishes to use the Service (“Applicant”) may apply to the Company to register as a Child Care Services Receiver or a Child Care Services Provider by agreeing to comply with these Terms of Use and providing the Company with certain information stipulated by the Company (“Registration Matters”) in the manner prescribed by the Company.

2.  Persons entitled to carry out registration procedures are limited to the actual Applicants themselves, and registration by an agent is not permitted.

3.  Applicants who wish to be registered as a Child Care Services Provider:

a) must be 18 years of age or older;

b) must have submitted an identification card, visa or other identity verification materials set by the Company; and

c) if not a Japanese citizen, must have lawful resident status, work permission or the like other appropriate immigration status as determined by the Company.

d) For those with qualifications as childcare providers (licensed hoikushi 保育士) or nurses (including assistant nurses), must submit documents that verify their qualifications, such as a copy of their childcare provider registration certificate.

e) Must submit a declaration that they have never received a business suspension or closure order, among other requirements.

4.  The Company shall screen applications of Applicants in accordance with the standards established by the Company, and shall notify the Applicant in case of approvals. The registration of Applicant will be completed only upon the Company’s providing the Applicant with such approval notice. User ID and password shall be imparted by the Company upon completion of the registration.

5.  Upon completion of the registration set forth in the preceding paragraph, Child Care Services Receivers or Child Care Services Providers may use the Service within the scope of the purposes specifically defined in these Terms of Use and within the scope of non-violation of the Terms of Use, in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the Company.

6.  If the Company determines that any of the following applies or is likely to apply to an Applicant, the Company may, without prior notice to the Applicant, deny registration, and even after registration, may cancel the registration. The Company shall bear no liability or duty to provide explanations with respect to the foregoing, and Applicant may not lodge any objection to the same.

a) If the Applicant does not meet or no longer meets the registration requirements set by the Company in this Article 5 or elsewhere;

b) If all or some the Registered Matters the Applicant provided to the Company contain any false statement, error or omission;

c) If the Applicant is a minor, adult ward, person under curatorship, or person under assistance, and the consent of his/her statutory agent, guardian of adult, curator or assistant has not been obtained;

d) If the Company determines that the Applicant is a member of a group that engages in anti-social acts, a group affiliated with such a group (including organized crime groups), or other anti-social forces, has a history of belonging to any of the foregoing, or has any kind of a contact or involvement with any of the foregoing;

e) If the Company determines that the Applicant is a person who in the past breached an agreement with the Company or whose registration was denied or cancelled, or is a related person of such a person;

f) If the Applicant was convicted in the past or is likely to be convicted in criminal trials;

g) If the Company determines that the Applicant engages in, or is likely to engage in, any act that violates these Terms of Use; or

h) If the Company otherwise determines that registration would be inappropriate.

i) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company reserves the right, at any time and in its sole discretion, to deny or cancel the registration of any Applicant.


Article 6 (Paid Services)

1.  Site Users may use the Paid Services upon registering as a Paid Member agreeing to pay the Company the service fees described on the Site. The price, payment method and any other terms of Paid Services shall be established separately by the Company and display in the Site or notify to Site Users.

2.  In the event Paid Members fails to pay the service fees by the due date, such Paid Members shall pay late payment charges at a rate of 14.6 percent per annum to the Company.

3.  The Company may modify the price plan of Paid Services at its discretion. In that case, the Company shall notify the modified price to Paid Members by two (2) months before the effective date. If Paid Members do not agree to such modifications, such Paid Members may withdraw from the Services or terminate the Paid Services (except in the event that the modified price is the same as or lower than the original price, or in the event that the Paid Members may use the Services equivalent to the original Paid Services after the price plan was modified). Paid Members’ continued use of Paid Services after the modified price was applied shall be deemed to such Paid Members’ agreement to the modified price.

4.  In the event that a Paid Member notify the Company of its intention to terminate the services agreement of these Terms of Use (“Services Agreement”) according to stipulations established by the Company during the term of Paid Services, the registration of such Paid Member shall be terminated and such Paid Member shall be switched to a free Site User, at the time when the available term expires according to the service fees paid to the Company. Provided, however, that regardless of the cause, the service fees already received by the Company shall not be refunded.

5.  Child Care Services Receivers may receive child care services from Child Care Services Providers only during the term of the Paid Services. Also, Child Care Services Providers may provide child care services to Child Care Services Receivers only during the term of the Paid Services.

6.  In the event Paid Services terminate due to the following reasons, the Paid Member shall notify the Company, and cancel all child care services scheduled after the termination of the Paid Services which were executed between Child Care Services Receivers and/or Child Care Services Providers whom the Paid Member got to know through the Site:

a) In the event the Paid Member requires to terminate the Paid Services, including but not limited to, the withdrawal and switching to a free Site User;

b) In the event the Company deletes the Child Care Services Receivers’ or Child Care Services Providers’ registration as a Site User in accordance with Article 15; or

c) Any other cases in which the Paid Services terminate.

7.  The Company may use third-party payment processing services to process payments and information in connection with Paid Services and any other use of the Site. The Company shall expressly release any and all liability whatsoever for any controversies, claims, suits, injuries or damages arising from or in any way related to the use of third-party payment processing services.


Article 7 (Sitting Fee)

1.  Payment of the compensation from Child Care Services Receivers to Child Care Services Providers under the childcare services agreements shall be made through the collection of payment by the Company ("Payment Collection Services") in accordance with the conditions separately set forth by the Company.

2.  The Company shall have the authority to receive the compensation from Child Care Services Receivers on behalf of Child Care Services Providers, and the obligation of Child Care Services Receivers to pay compensation to Child Care Services Providers shall be expired at the time when the Company (including the third party designated by the Company) has received the full compensation from Child Care Services Receivers. In this case, Child Care Services Receivers and Child Care Services Providers shall pay the commissions to the Company prescribed separately by the Company for the Payment Collection Services.

3.  The time and method of payment of the Payment Collection Services shall be set forth below, and the fee for such payment shall be borne by Child Care Services Receivers and Child Care Services Providers.

a) Compensation paid by Child Care Service Receivers

 In the case the childcare services agreement is concluded between Child Care Services Receivers and Child Care Services Providers, Child Care Services Receivers shall pay to the Company the amount of the compensation set forth in such child care services agreement in accordance with the conditions and methods prescribed separately by the Company.

b) Compensation paid by the Company to Child Care Services Providers

 Upon receipt of the full amount of the compensation from Child Care Services Receivers, the Company shall transfer to Child Care Services Providers such compensation at the request of Child Care Services Providers.

4.  In the event of any of the following items, the Company may, at its own discretion, refund Child Care Services Receivers the compensation received from Child Care Services Receivers, and the fee for such refund shall be borne by Child Care Services Receivers.

a) In the event that Child Care Services Providers delay in the performance of its obligations under the childcare services agreements and fail to perform such obligations even if Child Care Services Receivers or the Company demand such performance.

b) In addition to the preceding item, in the event that the Company deems that Child Care Services Providers have obviously failed to perform its obligations under the childcare services agreements.

c) After the conclusion of the childcare services agreements, in the event that either party thereto or the Company cannot contact the other party for three (3) or more days since its last contact with such other party by using ordinary means of communication,

5.  The Company shall not be liable for any payment of the compensation on and after the Company made the remittance or refund of such compensation to Child Care Services Receivers pursuant to this Article.

6.  The Company shall not be liable for any unpaid compensation by Child Care Services Receivers, and Child Care Services Providers may not receive any compensation in the event that Child Care Services Receivers do not pay such compensation.


Article 8 (Promotions etc.)

1.  The Company may offer limited-time, free trial member services or other promotions (“Promotions”) from time to time. Site Users shall agree in advance that in some cases, the Promotions may automatically convert to Paid Services if such Site Users participate in the Promotions and do not cancel within a designated time frame.

2.  The cancellation of the Promotions shall under the ways designated by the Company during the free trial term or the term of the Promotions.


Article 9 (Responsibilities of Site Users)

1.  Site Users acknowledge and agree that they will use the Site or the Services in accordance with these Terms of Use on its own discretions.

2.  Site Users represent and warrant that all information provided to the Company including Registration Matters is correct.

3.  Child Care Services Receivers or Child Care Services Providers acknowledge and agree that if there is any change to Registered Matters, they shall notify the Company of such changes without delay in the manner stipulated by the Company.

4.  Child Care Services Receivers or Child Care Services Providers acknowledge and agree that they shall, under their own responsibility, appropriately manage and safeguard their password and User ID for the Site, and that they shall not allow a third party to use, or loan, assign, change the name of the holder of, or sell, their password or User ID. Upon the Company’s verifying the matching combination of a User ID with password, the Company shall deem that the Child Care Services Receivers or Child Care Services Providers who has been registered as the holder of such User ID and password has used the Services.


Article 10 (Prohibited Matters for Site Users)

1.  In their use of the Site, Site Users are prohibited from engaging in the following acts.

a) Any acts that violate laws and regulations or is related to a criminal act;

b) Any acts that defraud or threaten the Company, other Site Users or any other third parties;

c) Any acts that are offensive to public order and morals;

d) The acts of negotiating or executing a contract for a child care service, or receiving or providing a child care service, with a person whom the Site User got to know through the Site, at any time except for during the term of Paid Services;

e) Any acts that are related to anti-social activities or benefits to anti-social forces;

f) Any acts that infringe on Intellectual Property Right, or a portrait right, privacy right, honor, or any other right or interest of the Company, other Site Users or a third party;

g) Any acts that defame or slander the Company, other Site Users, or a third party;

h) The acts of transmitting, to the Company or other Site Users, information that falls under, or that the Company determines falls under, the following:

  ・Information that includes expressions that tarnish the honor or reputation of the Company, other Site Users, or a third party

  ・Information that includes violent or cruel expressions

  ・Information that includes obscene expressions

  ・Information that includes expressions that encourage discrimination

  ・Information that includes expressions that encourage suicide or self-injury

  ・Information that includes expressions that encourage inappropriate use of drugs

  ・Information that includes anti-social expressions

  ・Information that asks for dissemination of information to third parties, such as spam or chain mail

  ・Information that includes illegal solicitations or advertisements

  ・Information that includes expressions that are offensive to other persons

  ・Information that includes a computer virus or other harmful computer program

i) Any acts that cause excessive load on the Company’s network or systems;

j) The act of improperly accessing, or attempting to improperly access, the Company’s network or systems;

k) The act of impersonating a third party, mislabeling the relationship with other persons or organizations, or concealing or attempting to conceal the identify;

l) The act of using or let other persons use the User ID or password of other Site Users;

m) Any act that is detrimental to, injures, or is offensive to the Company, other Site Users or any other third party;

n) Any acts that aim of meeting of strangers of the opposite sex other than providing or receiving child care services;

o) The act of duplicating, selling, or publishing information obtained through the Site, or otherwise using such information beyond the scope of personal use;

p) Any acts that hinder operation of the Site, tarnish the reputation of the Site, or is likely to do any of the foregoing;

q) Any acts that could be of use to a competitor or potential competitor or any acts that could be conceived to be of use to a competitor or potential competitor;

r) Any acts that violate these Terms of Use;

s) Any acts that directly or indirectly cause, initiate or facilitate any of the foregoing acts;

t) Any acts to copy, distribute, or disclose any part of the Site or the Application;

u) Any acts to modify, remove, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any software included in the Site or the Application, or use any network monitoring or discovery software to determine the Site’s website architecture;

v) Any attempt to interfere with, compromise the system integrity or security or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Site or the Application;

w) Any acts to upload invalid data, viruses, worms, or other software agents through the Site;

x) Any acts to collect or harvest any personally identifiable information, including User ID through the Site;

y) Any acts to use the Site for any commercial purpose or for providing benefits to third parties, except as explicitly permitted by these Terms of Use; or

z) Any other acts that the Company determines to be inappropriate.

2.  Child Care Services Receiver and Child Care Services Provider shall cooperate in the investigation conducted by the Company regarding the prohibited acts set forth in the preceding paragraph.


Article 11 (Withdrawal)

1.  Child Care Services Receivers or Child Care Services Providers may delete their registration of the Services to withdraw by notifying the Company in the manner prescribed by the Company. Upon doing so, such Child Care Services Receivers or Child Care Services Providers shall no longer be able to use the Services.

2.  Child Care Services Receivers or Child Care Services Providers acknowledge and agree that if they owe any obligations to the Company when they withdraw, all such obligations shall become due and payable immediately, and such Child Care Services Receivers or Child Care Services Providers must immediately pay the Company all such obligations.

3.  Child Care Services Receivers or Child Care Services Providers acknowledge and agree that when a Site User withdraws, the Company shall not refund any monies.


Article 12 (Indemnification by Site Users)

1.  Site Users acknowledge and agree that if the Company or its related person suffers or incurs any loss, expense, damage or obligations (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs) in relation to a Site User’s act that violates these Terms of Use, the Site User shall indemnify for any such loss etc., and hold harmless the Company and the related person.

2.  At the Company’s discretion, it may purchase or maintain an insurance policy to covers any damages or losses suffered by Child Care Services Receivers, child of Child Care Services Receivers, the Company or any third party; resulted from Child Care Services Providers’ act in connection with the usage of the Site. In this case, Child Care Services Receivers or Child Care Services Providers may request the Company to fully or partially compensate Child Care Services Receivers, the child of Child Care Services Receivers, the Company or any third party by the insurance policy; such compensation shall be within the sole discretion of the Company and provided it satisfied the terms and condition of the insurance policy.


Article 13 (Changes to, and Closure of, the Site and the Service)

Without prior notice to Site Users, the Company may change or close the Site in whole or in part (including to change the fees and services of Paid Services or institute other Paid Services).


Article 14 (Suspension of Services)

If any of the following applies, without advance notice to Site Users, the Company may permanently discontinue or temporarily suspend the Services to Site Users in whole or in part. The Company shall not in any way be held liable for any loss or damage incurred by Site Users as a result of the Company’s actions under this Article.

a) Regular or emergency computer system inspection or maintenance work related to services for Site Users is to be performed.

b) Computers or communication lines are suspended because of an incident.

c) There is a need to ensure the security of Users;

d) There has been a system overload due to increased usage or other unexpected reasons;

e) Telecommunications providers do not provide services;

f) Because of an earthquake, lightning, fire, storm damage, power outage, natural calamity, or other force majeure, the services cannot be provided;

g) Provision of the Services become difficult due to laws or regulations or due to any dispositions made in accordance with such laws or regulations; or

h) If the Company otherwise determines it necessary to discontinue or suspend the Services or access to the Site.


Article 15 (Deletion of Registered Information)

1. Site Users acknowledge and agree that if any of the following applies to a Site User, without prior notice or demand to the Site User, the Company may temporarily restrict or suspend the Site User’s use of the Site, or delete Child Care Services Receivers’ or Child Care Services Providers’ registration as a Site User.

a) The Site User has violated any of the provisions or represent and warrant herein;

b) The Site User has been found to be subject to a stop payment, to be declared insolvent, to have filed or have been filed a petition to commence bankruptcy proceedings, to have undergone civil rehabilitation proceedings or to have undergone any equivalent procedures;

c) The Site User has deceased or received a ruling for guardianship, curatorship, or public assistance;

d) The Site User does not use the Site for three (3) months or more;

e) The Site User does not respond for 30 days or more to any inquiries or other communication from the Company requesting a response;

f) The Site User is or has been suspended from using the Services;

g) The Company otherwise determines that the Site User is not appropriate as a Site User.

2. If the Site User applies or are likely to apply to any of the provisions stipulated in preceding paragraph, all debts and obligations of the Site Users against the Company shall become due and payable immediately, and such Site User must immediately pay the Company all such debts and obligations.

3. The Company shall not in any way be held liable for any loss or damage incurred by Site Users as a result of the Company’s actions under this Article.


Article16 (Intellectual Property Rights etc.)

1. Site Users acknowledge and agree that Intellectual Property Rights related to the Site and the Application all belong to the Company or persons who have granted licenses to the Company, and that the use of the Site or the Application is not construed to any license to use Intellectual Property Rights related to the Site and the Application of the Company or persons licensing such rights to the Company.

2. Site Users represent and warrant to the Company that, with respect to User Contents, the Site User has lawful rights, the contents of such User Contents are true and accurate and that such User Contents do not infringe on the rights of any third party.

3. Regardless of Paragraphs 1, any and all Intellectual Property Rights pertaining to the User Contents shall belong to Site Users. Site Users agree that User Contents may be read and disclosed by the Company and third parties in accordance with the setup of such Site Users and these Terms of Use.

4. Site Users grant to the Company a worldwide, non-exclusive, free, sublicensable and transferable license for the use, duplication, distribution, creation of derivative work, display and implementation of or from User Contents.

5. Site Users agree that they will not exercise moral rights of an author against the Company or persons who succeed to, or are licensed, rights of the Company in the case referred to the preceding paragraph.

6. Site Users acknowledge and agree that the grant of license and agreement of Paragraphs 4 and 5 are for an unlimited duration, and cannot be cancelled or revoked because of a Site User’s withdrawal, cancellation of registration, deletion of registration, or any other reason.

7. The Company has the right to disclose and delete User Contents in its discretion; provided, however, that this shall not be deemed that the Company is obligated to disclose and delete User Contents.


Article 17 (The Company’s Warranties and Disclaimer)

1. Site Users acknowledge and agree that the Company provides the Site, the Service or the Application on an as-is basis, and that the Company bears no liability for any Site defect, and makes no warranties that the Site, the Service or the Application conforms to the specific purpose of a Site User, that the Site has the accuracy, usability, truthfulness or relevance expected by a Site User, or that is in compliance with laws and regulations.

2. Site Users acknowledge and agree that the Company shall not bear any liability for damage suffered by a Site User in relation to or arising from registration, denial of registration, or deletion of registration of a Site User, the use, restriction or suspension of the Site, changes to the Site by the Company (including to change the fees and services of Paid Services or institute other Paid Services), suspension or termination of the Site, divulgence of personal information, or otherwise in relation to the Site.

3. Child Care Services Receivers or Child Care Services Providers acknowledge and agree that they shall bear all liability for damage arising from inadequate management, erroneous use, or third party use of a Site User’s password or User ID, and that the Company shall not bear any liability for such damage.

4. Site Users acknowledge and agree that the Company has no duty to retain any information of a Site User.

5. Site Users acknowledge and agree that the Company bears no liability with respect to information on the Site provided by external links or the management of personal information thereby.

6. Site Users acknowledge and agree that, if information provided or received in relation to the Site or data sent or received in relation to using the Site contains personal information, the Company bears no liability for any detriment or damage suffered by a Site User from that.

7. Site Users acknowledge and agree that the Company makes no warranty under any circumstances or to any person regarding the identity or safety of a Site User, and that the Company makes no warranty regarding the quality of child care provided by a Child Care Services Provider.

8. The Company shall not in any event be responsible for any damages, losses or infringes arising from hacking, alteration and other illegal access or use of the Site or User ID prescribed in these Terms of Use.

9. Site Users acknowledge and agree that if the use of the Site by a Site User causes another Site User or another third party to suffer detriment or damage, the Site User shall compensate for the same at his/her own expense and under his/her own responsibility, and the Company shall not bear any liability for the same.

10. Site Users acknowledge and agree that if in the use of the Site by a Site User, he/she suffers detriment or damage from another Site User or another third party, the Site User shall at his/her expense and under his/her own responsibility make claims, requests and inquiries, and not make any claims, requests or the like to the Company.

11. Site Users acknowledge and agree that notwithstanding the stipulations of the preceding paragraphs or the provisions of these Terms of Use, even if the Company is liable to a Site User, the Company will not bear any liability in excess of the amount of consideration the Company received from the Site User over the preceding 2 months, and that the Company shall not be liable for compensation for incidental damage, indirect damage, special damage, future damage, or lost earnings.


Article 18(To Child Care Services Providers)

Child Care Services Providers shall comply with the following items to use the Site, the Application and the Service.

a) Please make sure to conduct an interview with Child Care Services Receivers before agree on jobs.

b) Please tell your name, address and contact numbers to Child Care Services Receivers and show your ID and registration certificate for the governments. *All Child Care Service Providers need to submit their ID and registration certificates for the government to the Company when they register to the Service.

c) If child Care Service Providers look after children not in the children’s home, please make sure to show the location to Child Care Services Receivers in advance.

d) If Child Care Service Providers have any certificate such as Hoikushi or Nintei Babysitter certificate, please make sure to show the certifications to Child Care Services Receivers. Also, make sure to show a declaration that you have never received a business suspension or closure order, among other requirements.

 *Nintei Babysitters have professional ethics for babysitters and special knowledge and technics and has work experience as babysitters. Also, passed certificate testing organized by All Japan Childcare Services Association (Koeki Shadan Hojin Zenkoku Hoiku Service Kyokai.)

e) Please Provide Your Training Completion Status to Child Care Services Receivers.

 *When registering for this service, please submit documents to our Company that prove you have completed the required training (such as a training completion certificate).

 *For Child Care Services Providers who are not certified, if you have not completed the "Training Conducted by the Prefectural Governor or Equivalent" as specified in the standards for the supervision and guidance of unlicensed childcare facilities, please complete this training before offering childcare services.

f) To ensure you are covered by liability insurance in the event of an accident during childcare, please make sure to reach an agreement for childcare only within our Site.

g) Please explain children’s situation by telephone or message to Child Care Services Receivers if Child Care Services Receivers asked while you are babysitting the children.

h) In the event of an emergency, such as a sudden change in the condition of the children you are caring for, please contact the Child Care Services Receivers immediately and take appropriate action, such as calling an ambulance. Additionally, make sure to confirm with the Child Care Services Receivers in advance how the children will be handed over in the event of a disaster, such as a fire or earthquake. You will also be required to report the details of any accidents to the CareFinder office and the relevant government authorities.

i) After the babysitting, please report the sitting details and children’s condition during the babysitting to Child Care Services Receivers in writing.


Article 19(To Child Care Services Receivers)

Child Care Services Receivers shall comply with the following items to use the Site, the Application and the Service.

a) Please make sure to conduct an interview with Child Care Services Providers before agree on jobs.

b) Please ask Child Care Services Providers’ name, address and contact numbers and ask them to show their ID and registration certificate for the governments.

c) If Child Care Services Providers look after your children not in the children’s home, please make sure to check the location in advance.

d) If Child Care Service Providers have any certificate such as Hoikushi or Nintei Babysitter certificate, please make sure to ask them to show the certifications.

 *Nintei Babysitters have professional ethics for babysitters and special knowledge and technics and has work experience as babysitters. Also, passed certificate testing organized by All Japan Childcare Services Association (Koeki Shadan Hojin Zenkoku Hoiku Service Kyokai.)

e) Please ask Child Care Services Providers’ attendance of training courses.

f) To prepare for the possibility of an accident during childcare, please ensure that all agreements for childcare are made only through our Site, so they are covered by liability insurance.

g) Please ask Child Care Services Providers to inform children’s situation by telephone or message to you if you ask while they are babysitting your children.

h) Please make sure contact ways to you with Child Care Services Providers if any emergency situation happens, such as drastically changes of children’s physical condition. Additionally, make sure to confirm with the Child Care Services Providers in advance how your children will be handed over in the event of a disaster, such as a fire or earthquake.

i) After the babysitting, please ask Child Care Services Providers to report the babysitting details and children’s condition during the sitting in writing.


Article 20 (Informational Purposes Only)

1. Any information provided by the Company on the Site, the social media platform, or through any other medium is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered professional advice.

2. The Company will provide on any inappropriate actions by Child Care Services Providers and any complaints or issues related to past services, taking into account the wishes of the Child Care Services Receivers and ensuring the protection of the Child Care Services Providers' personal information.


Article 21 (Privacy)

Any personal information pertaining to Site Users shall be handled by the Company in accordance with its Privacy Policy, with the domain name https://www.carefinder.jp. If for any reasons there is a change to the domain and/or contents, the Privacy Policy shall be the subsequent agreement after any such change. Site Users shall be deemed to have been agreed the Company’s Privacy Policy upon such Site Users’ using the Site.


Article 22 (Use of the Application)

1. The Company may provide the Application by using a mobile device. Child Care Services Receivers (limited to Paid Members) or Child Care Services Providers shall have a mobile device that is compatible with the Application and follow the conditions specified by the Company to use the Application. The Company shall not warrant that the Application will be compatible with all mobile devices.

2. Child Care Services Receivers (limited to Paid Members) or Child Care Services Providers may incur additional charges from Communication Companies upon their use of mobile data in connection with the Application. Child Care Services Receivers (limited to Paid Members) or Child Care Services Providers agree that shall be solely responsible for any such charges.

3. The Company shall grant Child Care Services Receivers (limited to Paid Members) or Child Care Services Providers a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use the Application, as permitted by the features of the Site, in accordance with the conditions separately established by the Company. Child Care Services Receivers (limited to Paid Members) or Child Care Services Providers acknowledge and agree that all provisions set forth in these Terms of Use shall apply in all respects to their use of the Application.

4. Child Care Services Receivers (limited to Paid Members) or Child Care Services Providers acknowledge that the Company may from time to time issue upgraded versions of the Application, and the Application may automatically electronically upgrade the version upon Child Care Services Receivers‘ (limited to Paid Members) or Child Care Services Providers’ using on their mobile device. Child Care Services Receivers (limited to Paid Members) or Child Care Services Providers agree that all terms and conditions hereof shall apply to all such upgrades.

5. The license grant set forth in the paragraph 3 shall not be construed to a sale or a copy of the Application, and the Company, its third-party partners or suppliers shall retain all right, title, and interest of the Application (and any copy thereof).


Article 23 (Contact Information)

Inquiries concerning the Site and other communication and notices from Site Users to the Company shall be made through info@carefinder.jp.


Article 24 (Confidentiality)

Site Users acknowledge and agree that unless the Company has given prior written consent, information disclosed by the Company to Site Users with request to be handled confidentially shall be handled confidentially.


Article 25 (Assignment)

1. Unless prior written consent by the Company, Site Users shall not assign, transfer, pledge as security, or otherwise make disposal to any title, rights or obligations hereunder.

2. Site Users shall agree in advance that the Company’s transfer its title, rights or obligations hereunder to a third party.


Article 26 (Severability)

If any provision of these Terms of Use is invalid or unenforceable under any applicable consumer protection laws or any other laws or regulations, the remainder of these Terms of Use shall continue in full force and effect, and the Company and Site Users shall endeavor to correct or replace any legally invalid or unenforceable provisions to the extent necessary to make those provisions valid and enforceable and bring the same legal and economic effects initially intended or contemplated based on the original provisions.


Article 27 (Dispute Resolution)

1. These Terms of Use and the use of the Site shall be governed by the laws of Japan.

2. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.

  1. Enactment 2014/5/20
  2. Revision 2014/11/27
  3. Revision 2015/8/10
  4. Revision 2015/10/15
  5. Revision 2016/7/25
  6. Revision 2017/4/3
  7. Revision 2017/9/1
  8. Revision 2018/11/8
  9. Revision 2019/12/13
  10. Revision 2021/10/26
  11. Revision 2024/9/11
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