Rainy Season 2023: Family-Friendly Things to do in Tokyo

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Rainy Season 2023: Family-Friendly Things to do in Tokyo


Rainy season in Tokyo can be hit-or-miss. Some years, it feels like the gray, damp weather will never end. Others, we seem to enjoy more sunny days than not. But the last thing you want when your house is full of children on summer break is to be caught without a plan when rain keeps you indoors.

One of the many benefits of living in a city as large as Tokyo, though, is the endless number of activities to enjoy during rainy season. CareFinder has some of our favorite suggestions for your family below!

Catch a Movie

What better way to enjoy a rainy summer day than by grabbing some popcorn and settling in for a blockbuster! This summer promises the Tokyo premieres of The Little Mermaid, new installments of the Indiana Jones and Mission Impossible franchises, a Blue's Clues full-length movie, and The Amazing Maurice, an animated feature about a street-smart cat. Check out the full list here.

Sing a Song

Not just a staple for adults on nights out! Pasela Resorts have a setup specially designed for the littlest songbirds. Including menus with kids' palates in mind and ample stroller parking, a "Mamakai" in Ginza is a must for mamas and papas alike.

Get Active

Your family will find something everyone can enjoy at Tokyo Dome City, in Suidobashi. From bowling and rollerskating to shopping and dining to rock climbing, golf, and live entertainment, there is truly no shortage of fun activities for dreary weather. If your children are too young for a day of table tennis, there is also Asobono, where there is even dedicated space for infants to play!

Read a Book

Convincing your children to grab a familiar book from their own shelves may be a tough task; why not take a trip to the National Diet Library instead? There, the International Library of Children's Literature has more than 300,000 Japanese books and magazines, and an additional 120,000 foreign books to choose from. If you don't want to trek to Ueno, there's an extensive digital collection to check out, as well.

Get Cooking

Not only will a cooking class be a fun distraction during rainy season, your family may also come away with skills they can put to use all year long! Check out ByFood for an array of in-person and online opportunities to learn how to make cute character bento, okonomiyaki, decorative sushi, and so much more!



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