Five Ways to Use a Babysitter for Older Children

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Five Ways to Use a Babysitter for Older Children

Five Ways to Use a Babysitter for Older Children

When most people think of a babysitter, they think of someone tasked with caring for, well, babies, or young children. The belief is that a babysitter is useful for watching kids who aren't able or can't be trusted to watch themselves while parents are working, out of the house or otherwise occupied. "Mother's helpers" and "nannies" similarly serve this purpose.
But for families with older children, who may not traditionally see value in using a sitter, there are actually many benefits to doing so! CareFinder has the largest community of bilingual and multicultural babysitters in Japan; we are a unique resource to take advantage of when it comes to "out of the box" babysitting needs. Read on for some roles a sitter can fill for your older children!
using a sitter for older children

As Cultural Ambassador

A sitter can introduce aspects of their native culture, including food, language, holidays and festivals. Studies show that exposure to diverse perspectives not only improves empathy and academic achievement, it also prepares young adults for the increasingly global workforce. Using a sitter not as a caretaker, but as a guide to foreign viewpoints is an easy opportunity to introduce your children to diversity in your own home.

As Travel Preparation

While Japan may be "home" currently, your family could be planning a move to another country soon, or your child may be preparing for a move abroad for boarding school or college. Using a sitter who comes from you or your kid's next destination is a great way to learn about the new culture, language and logistics in advance, which will help ease the transition to your new home.
using a sitter for older children

As Mentor

Children with mentors are more confident and less likely to have anxiety. While parents, teachers and other adults in a kid's life are valuable as well, it's been shown that mentors within a similar peer group are also helpful in building social skills. Some children may need more time to come out of their shells, especially if they're in a new city or country. For an older child, a sitter can play the dual role of giving advice and guidance while also helping to ease the transition into a new place.

As Tutor

Many sitters in the CareFinder community have experience as teachers as well - whether in common school subjects, or their native language. They are great resources for one-on-one tutoring or, if you'd prefer a more laid-back approach, it's been shown that conversing casually in a foreign language with a native speaker is also a great way to learn.
using a babysitter for older children

As Friend

If your job or other obligations outside of the home keep you late, a sitter is a perfect companion for an older child who would otherwise return from school to an empty house. They can help prepare a dinner or after-school snack, watch movies, play games or just provide conversation until you get home. Your kid may not need to be "watched," but they would likely enjoy the company!
So, just because your children have gotten older it doesn't meant that a sitter can't be of value to them - or your family as a whole! CareFinder is a one-of-a-kind community of hundreds of sitters whose diverse backgrounds and experience offer an array of opportunities; check them out today!
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