


I have experience of taking care with children from 2 years old. I’ve been taking care of children for 2 years and up.
My experiences are:
- children of 5 years until 10 years old at church. I helped them with bible lessons, I played with them and served snacks for them.
- children of 4 years until 11 years old in a brazilian school. We played a lot with toys, paint, at outside in playground and in parks that the school took us. I also help with school lessons, help to teach them, draw together, put the youngest to sleep and warm up their food for the lunch time.
- a brother that grew up with me, and I help my mother with looking after him. He is 18 years old now.
- a little girl aged 2 years old, that sometimes I take care of her. She’s a friend’s daughter. I change her diaper, put her to sleep, we play together, I prepare her food, I try to teach her some new words, I give her a bath and in the end of the day, her mother comes to pick her up.

Eu tenho experiência em cuidar de crianças a partir dos 2 anos de idade.
Minhas experiências são:
- crianças a partir de 5 anos até 10 anos em uma igreja, na escolinha dominical. Eu ajudava-os com atividades bíblicas, brincava com eles e preparava lanches para servi-los.
- crianças de 4 anos até 11 anos em uma escola brasileira, na qual eu me formei. Nós brincávamos bastante com brinquedos, com pinturas, brincávamos nos parques da escola e também em parques públicos que a escola nos levava. Eu também ajudava-os com as atividades escolares, ajudava a ensiná-los, desenhávamos juntos, colocava os mais novos para dormir e esquentava a marmita deles.
- meu irmão que cresceu comigo, eu ajudava a minha mãe a cuidar dele. Atualmente, ele tem 18 anos.
- cuido de uma menina que tem 2 anos de idade. Ela é filha de uma amiga. Eu troco a fralda dela, coloco para dormir, nós brincamos juntos, preparo comida para ela, eu tento ensiná-la palavras novas, eu dou banho nela e no final do dia sua mãe vem buscar.



  • 7歳以上



  • 英語
  • スペイン語


  • オンラインレッスン
  • 幼稚園・保育所等の送迎
  • 簡単な家事
  • 調理・食事の準備
  • 外国語での保育
  • 宿題のお手伝い
  • イベント保育
  • 宿泊
  • 旅行付き添い
  • トイレトレーニング


  • 保育課程専攻(学生)
  • 研修受講状況(都道府県知事等が定める研修) 未受講


6am - 9am
9am - 12pm
12pm - 3pm
3pm - 6pm
6pm - 9pm
9pm - 12am
12am - 6am


あなたの評価: 5

[CareFinder Team Review]

Claudia is a very friendly and kind person. She is fluent in English, Portuguese and Spanish. She has worked as a teacher's helper and worked with children at her church. Claudia loves interacting with children and engaging with them with various activities. We believe that Claudia will make a great babysitter for any CareFinder family!
