I am excited about the opportunity to become a babysitter and assist families with their daily routines and childcare needs.
My name is Bjørg, I am 24 years old, and I come from Denmark. I recently completed my bachelor’s degree in Technology and Design at the IT University of Copenhagen. Currently, I am taking a break from my studies to explore the world and grow as an individual. This journey has led me to apply for a working holiday visa in Japan—a country I have always admired for its culture and people. Now, I have the chance to experience it all firsthand while supporting families and caring for their children. This role will allow me to fully immerse myself in the everyday life of Japan.
I genuinely enjoy spending time with children because they are so joyful and curious. I like to engage with them in playful and educational ways, using creativity to make learning fun. For instance, we can play board games such as chess or backgammon, participate in sports or activities, and even organize friendly matches to burn off energy while having a good time.
I also enjoy reading with children, either sharing stories together or reading aloud to them. For creative activities, I love drawing and organizing small art sessions where we can create pictures, collages, and other crafts. My goal is to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment that encourages both fun and growth.
I have previous experience working with children as a caretaker at summer camps in Denmark. Additionally, I have helped care for younger children in my family and among friends. My responsibilities included picking them up from school, engaging them in activities, and assisting with homework until their parents returned home.
As a person, I am cheerful and outgoing. I enjoy spending time with friends and meeting new people. In my free time, I like to read, stay active by running or playing badminton, and cook - baking being one of my favorite hobbies.
Cancellation policy (all timing is calculated based on the start time of the scheduled
48+ hours before the scheduled sitting: No cancellation fee
Between 48-24 hours: 50% of sitting fee
Within 24 hours: 100% of sitting fee (+ transportation cost if on the way)
Dansk introduktion:
Jeg ser frem til muligheden for at blive babysitter og hjælpe familier med deres daglige rutiner og børnepasning.
Mit navn er Bjørg, jeg er 24 år og fra Danmark. Jeg har netop afsluttet min bachelor i teknologi og design fra IT-Universitetet i København. Lige nu holder jeg en pause fra studierne for at udforske verden og udvikle mig personligt. Dette har ført til, at jeg har søgt et working holiday-visum i Japan, et land jeg altid har beundret for dets kultur og befolkning. Nu har jeg chancen for at opleve det hele på nært hold og samtidig hjælpe familier med deres børn.
Jeg nyder at være sammen med børn, da de er fulde af glæde og nysgerrighed. Jeg engagerer dem gerne gennem leg og læring, som f.eks. brætspil, sport og kreative aktiviteter som tegning og collage.
Jeg har erfaring med børnepasning fra sommerlejre i Danmark og ved at hjælpe familiens og venners børn, hvor jeg hentede dem fra skole, lavede lektier med dem og underholdt dem, indtil deres forældre kom hjem.
Som person er jeg glad og udadvendt. Jeg elsker at møde nye mennesker, læse bøger, holde mig aktiv med løb og badminton og lave mad – især at bage er en af mine passioner.