
I am excited about the opportunity to become a babysitter, because I always have enjoyed being around children, and I see this as a valuable opportunity to contribute to the family’s daily life.

My name is Lærke and I am 24 years old. I am Danish by nationality. I have just completed my bachelor’s degree in business administration and Commercial Law at Copenhagen Business School. I am at a point in my career where I am seeking new challenges. Therefore, I have chosen to spend a year on a working holiday in Japan. I wish to immerse myself in the local traditions, lifestyle and values, which will give me a deeper understanding of Japanese Society.

I enjoy spending time with children, as their curiosity and joy for life inspire me. I want to support and help families in their daily life routines by creating a safe and loving environment for children, so they can grow and thrive. I am used to being around children and I am the person who loves to play and take care of the children’s interests.

As a babysitter, I can't wait to bring fun and creativity into the children's lives! I love playing soccer, and I'm excited to organize friendly matches in the park, teaching them new tricks while encouraging teamwork and sportsmanship.

Drawing is another passion of mine, and I plan to set up arts and crafts sessions where we can unleash our imaginations. Whether it's painting or making fun collages, I want to inspire their creativity.

Music is also a big part of who I am! We’ll have dance parties in the living room, grooving to our favorite tunes. I’ll teach them some fun dance moves, and we can even create our own mini dance performances.

Singing together will be another highlight, where we can belt out our favorite songs and maybe even create funny lyrics about our daily adventures.

With soccer, art, dance, and music, every day will be filled with laughter and joy! I can’t wait to make wonderful memories together.

In my free time, I enjoy being social and gain a lot of energy from spending time with others. I’m passionate about staying active and often go running to support my mental and physical well-being. I also have a strong interest in football, both playing and watching, as well as a love for cooking and baking. Creating delicious meals and baking treats brings me joy, and I find it a great way to connect with others. These interests reflect my positive, active, and creative nature.

Cancellation policy(all timing is calculated based on the start time of the scheduled

48+ hours before the scheduled sitting: No cancellation fee
Between 48-24 hours: 50% of sitting fee
Within 24 hours: 100% of sitting fee (+ transportation cost if on the way)

Dansk introduktion:

Jeg er begejstret for muligheden for at blive babysitter, fordi jeg altid har nydt at være omkring børn, og jeg ser dette som en værdifuld mulighed for at bidrage til familiers dagligdag.

Mit navn er Lærke, og jeg er 24 år gammel. Jeg er dansk af nationalitet. Jeg har netop afsluttet min bacheloruddannelse i erhvervsøkonomi og erhvervsret ved Copenhagen Business School. Jeg er på et punkt i min karriere, hvor jeg søger nye udfordringer. Derfor har jeg valgt at tilbringe et år på en arbejdsferie i Japan. Jeg ønsker at fordybe mig i de lokale traditioner, livsstil og værdier, hvilket vil give mig en dybere forståelse af det japanske samfund.

Jeg nyder at tilbringe tid med børn, da deres nysgerrighed og livsglæde inspirerer mig. Jeg vil gerne støtte og hjælpe familier i deres daglige rutiner ved at skabe et sikkert og kærligt miljø for børn, så de kan vokse og trives. Jeg er vant til at være omkring børn, og jeg er den, der elsker at lege og tage mig af børns interesser.

Som babysitter kan jeg ikke vente med at bringe sjov og kreativitet ind i børnenes liv! Jeg elsker at spille fodbold, og jeg glæder mig til at organisere vennskabelige kampe i parken, hvor jeg kan lære dem nye tricks og opmuntre til teamwork og sportsånd.

Tegning er også en passion for mig, og jeg planlægger at sætte kunst- og håndværkssessioner op, hvor vi kan give slip på vores fantasi. Uanset om det er maleri eller at lave sjove kollager, vil jeg inspirere deres kreativitet.

Musik er også en stor del af, hvem jeg er! Vi vil have dansefester i stuen, hvor vi kan bevæge os til vores yndlingsmelodier. Jeg vil lære dem nogle sjove dansebevægelser, og vi kan endda lave vores egne mini-danseoptrædener.

At synge sammen vil også være et højdepunkt, hvor vi kan synge vores yndlingssange og måske endda lave sjove tekster om vores daglige eventyr.

Med fodbold, kunst, dans og musik vil hver dag være fyldt med latter og glæde! Jeg kan ikke vente med at skabe vidunderlige minder sammen.

I min fritid kan jeg lide at være social, og jeg får meget energi af at tilbringe tid med andre. Jeg brænder for at holde mig aktiv og løber ofte for at støtte mit mentale og fysiske velvære. Jeg har også en stor interesse for fodbold, både at spille og at se, samt en kærlighed til madlavning og bagning. At lave lækre måltider og bage søde sager bringer mig glæde, og jeg finder det en fantastisk måde at connecte med andre på. Disse interesser afspejler min positive, aktive og kreative natur.

Mine kerneværdier, såsom loyalitet, ansvarlighed og respekt, vil blive afspejlet i min arbejdsmoral og engagement. Du kan forvente en smilende, uafhængig, fleksibel og punktlig person. Det vil komme naturligt for mig at skabe en positiv og dejlig atmosfære i mit arbejde som babysitter.


I have experience in childcare through my passion for working with children. In the past, I have taken care of my two younger cousins and children of my family’s friends, typically ranging from ages 4 to 12, often for entire days at a time. We would often go to a playground or play in the garden, and on rainy days, we would stay indoors, drawing or dancing to music. Through these experiences, I have learned how to create a safe and engaging environment that nurtures children’s growth.

I enjoy planning activities that promote learning and creativity, and I am particularly drawn to the philosophy that "learning is play, and playing is learning." I believe this approach fosters a love for learning in young children, making the experience enjoyable and enriching for them. I aim to apply this philosophy in my teaching approach, creating an engaging environment that encourages curiosity and growth.

Can Babysit


  • 7+ years old
3 Children

Skills & Services


  • Japanese
  • English
  • German


  • Online Lessons
  • Pick up children from
  • Light Housekeeping
  • Cooking/Meal Preparation
  • Care with foreign language
  • Homework help
  • Events
  • Overnight
  • Travel
  • Pet care
English teaching


6am - 9am
9am - 12pm
12pm - 3pm
3pm - 6pm
6pm - 9pm
9pm - 12am
12am - 6am
This schedule may not be up-to-date.


Your rating: 5



Thank you for your kind review. I am glad that your son quickly opened up to me, and we could practice English together. I had a great time.

Your rating: 5



Thank you for your kind words. I will be happy to practice English with your kids again.

Your rating: 5





Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so glad to hear that you felt comfortable and that your son enjoyed the time together. It was a pleasure for me. I would absolutely love to visit you again.

Your rating: 5

[ CareFinder Team Review ]

Lærke is a very passionate and responsible caregiver who has had previous experience babysitting children from the ages of four and up. Coming from Denmark, Lærke speaks Danish, German, English and basic Japanese which lets her communicate with a wide range of people. Her interest lie in keeping active, playing sports like football as well as being creative. Lærke is very eager to help children learn and grow which makes her a great fit for CareFinder families.

Chyanne@CareFinder Support Team
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