
Hello! It's nice to meet you c:
My name is Franziska and I'm looking forward to meeting you and your children. I'm a student in Fukuoka and have been living in Japan for almost 6 years now. I was born and raised in Bielefeld, Germany, and as the town is famous for it - I love cake and pudding! I enjoy cooking and baking, and do anything related to music or nature. I play the violin and the viola, and I score more than 95 points at Karaoke if no one stops me. I also like to move my body outside a lot, so I normally don't take the bus, but will ride my bicycle. Hiking or swimming several times a month is a must to keep my student head clear.

I would love to be creative with your children, craft something together, play games together, do music, or just simply go to the playground. I've been babysitting for more than 12 years now, and have also experience in working in a Japanese and in a German kindergarten, as well as teaching English and German to children. I have several qualifications when it comes to first aid and am also qualified in lifesaving. Since I was a child I used to go to my fathers work place and help, play and watch over children to young adults with special needs, so I am also used to take care of children with autism, down-syndrome or any other form of mental disability. German is my native tongue, but I'm also fluent in Japanese and English.
Also, I live in Fukuoka but go regularly to Sasebo, so I can sit in Sasebo region as well.

About the cancellation policy:
48+ hours before the scheduled sitting: No cancellation fee
Between 48-24 hours: 50% of sitting fee
Within 24 hours: 100% of sitting fee (+transportation cost if on the way)

Hallöchen c:
Ich heiße Franziska und wohne schon seit fast 6 Jahren in Japan. Neben meiner Mutterssprache Deutsch spreche ich auch fließend Japanisch und Englisch. In meiner Freizeit spiele ich gerne Geige und Brasche, und gehe zum Karaoke, oder wandere die Berge Kyushus.
Da mein Vater Leiter einer Behinderteneinrichtung war, war ich schon als kleines viel Kind viel mit auf Ausflügen der Einrichtung dabei. Das war wahrscheinlich auch der Grund dafür, dass ich meinen Freiwilligendienst in einer Behinderteneinrichtung und einem Kindergarten absolvieren wollte. Das habe ich 2018/2019 in Hiroshima gemacht.
Ich lebe in Fukuoka, gehe aber regelmäßig nach Sasebo. Deswegen ist es mir möglich ihre Kinder auch in Sasebo Region zu betreuen oder zu unterrichten.


Below you can see my accumulated experiences:
-work in a German kindergarten - 3 months full time
-work in a German school for children with special needs - 3 months full time
-work in a German institution for children and young adults with mental disabilities - 3 months full time
-babysitting neighbours children (3) from age 1 to 12 - 6 years, once or twice a week
-teaching German to refugees - 2 years, once a week
-work in a Japanese dayservice for children with special needs - 6 months full time
-work in a Japanese Kindergarten - 6 months full time
-teach English and German to children from 3 years old to adults in language school - 2 years, twice a week
-teach German to children in homeschooling - 12 weeks, 2 - 3 times a week
-babysitting of multilingual children (English, German, Japanese) of the age of 3 - 12 - 4 years, unregular sittings

Ich habe etwaige Erfahrungen, was die Arbeit mit Kindern und Sprachunterricht angeht.
-dt Kindergarten (Vollzeit, 3 Monate)
-dt Schule für Kinder mit geistiger Behinderung (Vollzeit, 3 Monate)
-dt Einrichtung für Kinder und junge Erwachsenen mit körperlicher und/oder geistiger Behinderung (Vollzeit, 3 Monate)
-dt Babysitten der Nachbarskinder (Alter der Kinder: 1-12 Jahre, Zeitraum ca 6 Jahre, 1-2 pro Woche)
-dt Lehren der Deutschen Sprache an Flüchtlingskinder (Zeitraum 2 Jahre, 1 pro Woche)
-jp Freiwilligendienst in Hiroshima - Einrichting für Kinder mit Behinderung und Kindergarten, jeweils 6 Monate
-jp Sprachschule (Alter der Schüler 3-Erwachsen, ca 2 Jahre, 1-2 pro Woche)
-jp multilingualer Babysitter (Deutsch, Japanisch, Englisch), (Alter der Kinder 3-12, 4 Jahre, unregelmäßig)
-jp privater Deutsch-Unterricht für Kinder zu Hause (12 Wochen, 2-3 pro Woche)


Can Babysit


  • 7+ years old
3 Children

Skills & Services


  • Japanese
  • English
  • German


  • Online Lessons
  • Light Housekeeping
  • Cooking/Meal Preparation
  • Care with foreign language
  • Homework help
  • Events


  • CPR/First Aid
Japanese Red Cross Society Lifesaver (日本赤十字水上安全法救助員1)


6am - 9am
9am - 12pm
12pm - 3pm
3pm - 6pm
6pm - 9pm
9pm - 12am
12am - 6am
This schedule may not be up-to-date.


Your rating: 5

[ CareFinder Team Review ]

Franziska is a warm and energetic caregiver with over 12 years of babysitting experience working with children from 1 year olds to 12 year olds. Fluent in German, Japanese, and English, Franziska has worked in both Japanese and German kindergartens and has experience teaching languages to children. With her passion for music and love for outdoor activities like cycling and hiking, she brings a vibrant and playful energy to childcare, making her a fantastic fit for CareFinder families.

Chyanne@CareFinder Support Team
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