
Ready to Find the Best Sitter for Your Family?



"I have no issues trusting CareFinder. In fact, our experience has been overwhelmingly positive."

CareFinder is an international community built on trust. CareFinder puts each of the sitters through a strict screening process to make sure they are a good match for the CareFinder community. We interview each sitter one-on-one, ensure legal permission to work in Japan, and make sure each sitter is registered with the government.

CareFinder also offers tools and services to help you hire a babysitter you can trust. You can view profile & reviews, conduct interviews, use our guides, attend our meet-ups and use our support team to help you find a sitter you can trust like a family member. We put a considerable amount of work into building an intentional community of eager babysitters that are highly qualified and with multiple skill sets. Our sitters put their heart and soul into building good relationships with the families they care for. In addition, CareFinder also provides babysitting insurance to all premium members.

At CareFinder, we are committed to meeting all of your babysitting needs whether you are looking for just an evening babysitter, an international babysitter, a hotel babysitter, a weekend babysitter, an overnight babysitter, a great au pair or a summer babysitter.

Listen to several parents talk about trust and their experience with CareFinder:

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