
Ready to Find the Best Sitter for Your Family?



"I think there is a really great choice of sitters on CareFinder. I was really impressed with the variety... For whatever I needed for my family I felt that we could find the person that we felt was right."


CareFinder does not assign any available sitter to you. You have the freedom to choose the right sitter for you and your family. 
CareFinder has a wide variety of sitters to choose from. Our sitters are from all over the world with various backgrounds and skillsets. We have native English and French speakers, bilingual sitters, educators, music teachers, anything you could look for. 
With CareFinder you can choose a sitter to not just watch over your children, but to bond with them and enrich their lives.
At CareFinder, we are committed to meeting all of your babysitting needs whether you are looking for just an evening babysitter, an international babysitter, a hotel babysitter, a weekend babysitter, an overnight babysitter, a great au pair or a summer babysitter.
Listen to several parents talk about choice and their experience with CareFinder:

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